Inner Circle Course | Level 3

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About this course

We've listened to student feedback and have now created our best level yet – a course completely based off what you told us you wanted!

Surprise your friends, explain the meaning of your favorite dramas and lyrics, and talk about your experiences and goals.
Learn the ins and outs of the language including slang and other forms of communication so you can impress all of your friends, understand all of your favorite dramas and lyrics, be able to talk about everything going on around you, and become an engaging Korean extrovert!

To start, you'll focus on the fundamentals of Korean. As you gain confidence in your skills, you'll be able to do more specific things like understand K-Dramas without subtitles, sing along with your favorite K-Pop songs, talk with family members, or interact with the locals on your next trip to Korea. You'll have a lot more options in terms of the conversations you'll be having and the people you'll be having them with!

By the end of Level 3, you’ll be able to:

  • Express Current Activities and Make Promises: Share what you're doing now and what you'll do later. This improves how you talk about current and upcoming activities.
  • Navigate Formal Interactions and Purposeful Actions: Understand the nuances of formal "giving" in Korean and express actions with a specific purpose. This helps in polite and goal-focused chats.
  • Create More Complex Sentences: Change verbs into nouns for complex sentence structures. This will help you with creative and engaging storytelling.
  • Use Time Phrases and Motivational Words: Talk about when things happen and use encouraging words. This is great for sharing experiences and cheering people up.
  • Transform Verbs to Nouns and describe Home and Daily life: Turn verbs into descriptive nouns and learn vocabulary related to home and daily life. This helps in talking about everyday life in more detail.
  • Report What Others Say: Share what others have said in more complex conversations.
  • Talk About Disasters and Use Formal Language: Learn words for natural disasters and how to talk formally, important for respectful talks in serious or formal situations.
  • Discuss Religion and Hypotheticals: Learn religious words and how to talk about 'what if' scenarios. This lets you talk about cultural and imaginary situations.
  • Learn Outdoor Vocabulary and Ordering Skills: Learn words for outside activities and how to order things. This is useful for enjoying the outdoors and everyday buying.
  • Talk About Life Events and Use Slang: Discuss various life events and use informal language. This makes your conversations flexible, from formal to friendly.
  • Learn About Knowledge and Space: Express knowledge or awareness and learn space-related vocabulary. This is good for discussions on educational and universal topics.
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Ready to Join the Inner Circle?

Here are the benefits of this course and what you'll be able to do...

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Learning all the formalities.

The Korean language has a ton of formalities, and learning them all can be challenging due to their complexity and variations in usage.

Here’s what you can do:
Break down formalities into manageable categories, prioritize commonly used ones, and gradually incorporate them into interactions.

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Lack of feedback.

Not getting sufficient feedback makes it difficult to gauge progress and identify areas for improvement in learning Korean.

Here’s what you can do:
Join language exchange groups or online platforms to interact with native speakers who can provide valuable feedback on your language usage.

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Memorizing over 400 verb endings without being able to use any in a conversation.

Memorizing all the verb endings without being able to use them in a conversation can feel overwhelming and disconnected from practical communication.

Here’s what you can do:
Focus on learning verb endings in context by using them in sentences during language practice to enable a practical understanding of their usage.

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Getting stuck with Korean grammar markers.

Korean grammar markers can be confusing, especially since their order and usage can significantly alter the entire meaning of the sentence.

Here’s what you can do:
Study grammar markers step by step and use resources like videos and interactive exercises, and engage with sentences that showcase marker usage. But remember, you don’t need to master all Korean grammar markers to be able to have a conversation with a native.

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Losing motivation after using the wrong words.

Losing motivation after using the wrong words can be disheartening, leading to a sense of discouragement in the learning process.

Here’s what you can do:
Embrace mistakes as part of the learning process, celebrate small achievements, and set realistic goals to sustain your enthusiasm for language learning.

Ready to Join the Inner Circle?